Thursday, October 07, 2004

web filtering - not as easy as it looks!

Web filtering is time-intensive and effort-intensive. Obviously the purpose for web filtering is to find sites worthy of mention on a blog. But there are so many sites and until I see more of them, it is premature to make judgments of worthiness. When I find a decent site, I want to let my audience know; but as I review more and more sites, I refine my criteria and change my standards for goodness and greatness.

I feel empathy for web authors and designers; with minimal funding, it is hard to create and maintain a great site that has age or grade-level appropriate educational content with games and quizzes that kids enjoy. Many of the sites that I find worthy of mention are ones that are part of a larger organization such as a television network, school system, or book publisher. The government also produces excellent sites. Still, I want to applaud all of them (small with few funds or large with lots of money) for their efforts. Although the sites may not succeed in every way I would like, the sites bring value to their audiences.


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