Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Ntaional Geographic Kids consistent, fun

The National Geographic Kids' site maintains its parents' brand image (sharp images with meaty content) while appealing to kids (and their parents). The site is easily navigated and games are easily accessible.

The site does a great job of combining content with games, without sacrificing the integrity of either. I have noticed that some sites sell games that have little educational content relevant to its purpose; for example a book publisher's site may have fictional characters featured in a game but the game is similar to the games on e-zone (my kids love Lenny, an e-zone character by the way but I find the games to be of recreational value only). Game sections on some sites link to content with significant educational value but consist mainly of articles, though well-done, are not games.

National Geographic provides links to articles from games (mainly quizzes) and incorporates content into the games but does not substitute articles for games.

I also like the gentle responses to an incorrect answer: "Sorry. That's not it. Try one of the other answers." And to a correct answer: "Keep up the good work."

The only drawbacks to this site is that content is not directly tied to curriculum and kids may need to have an interest in history and animals to enjoy the content.


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