Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Killer Waves and Kids

One of my kids' friends was at the house the other day and I asked her about a recent birthday party she attended. Just trying to make conversation, I asked her what kind of gift she took to her friend. I learned that the friend requested items for a Samaritan's Purse shoebox.

Just in case you didn't know, shoeboxes aren't for Christmas anymore; Samaritan's Purse has been and apparently still is collecting and distributing shoeboxes (with items for children such as t-shirts, socks, washcloths, small toys, books, etc.) for those impacted by the tsunami.

I asked the young friend (she's 7) if she knew why shoeboxes were being collected but she said she didn't know. I explained to her that there was a tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people.

My kids knew about the world event if for no other reason that their school (the neighborhood public one) held a month-long read-a-thon to raise funds for children impacted by the tsunami. The funds ($14,000!) went to UNICEF to help buy school supplies.

This conversation reinforced a recent resolution: become more aware of world events and help my kids to be more aware of world happenings, not just the ones that make huge headlines.


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