Saturday, November 20, 2004

Native American Access Technology Program delivered via the Gates Foundation

Bringing Internet access to Native Americans is a challenge that the Gates Foundation is tackling. The first challenge is to provide access in an area that doesn't have even what most Americans would consider basic communications infrastructure (i.e., telephone lines). Secondly, bringing 21st communications and ideas to a culture while respecting its traditions is a major consideration. In the Initial Evaluations and Planning (PDF) document, these issues are explored. Ultimately, Internet access is delivered via satellite. The area of focus for this project, by the way, is the Four Corners region of the USA-the area where Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico meet. Numerous Native American tribes are represented in this area.

To encourage the use of technology to address local needs, grants were awarded to tribes on a non-competitive basis (that is, I'm guessing that as long as the program plan is viable, monies will be awarded). Here is a breakdown on funding: Programs/Program Funding.

Here's a 2001 announcment about funding for
Public Access in Crownpoint, NM.

Today, however, the Gates Foundation does not provide grants for the NAAT program.


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