Saturday, November 13, 2004

Clubhouse in Ireland

I am visiting the Intel Computer Clubhouse in Dublin; it serves the under-served.

I am quite fascinated by the programs and workshops that are offered. First there is a creative writing section for "lone" or single parents; then there is a place for kids (8-12) to write and record their own music (; a program that uses digital storytelling as a therapy for teenage depression; an art program (programme in Irish) presented in collaboration with the Irish Museum of Modern Art; a DJ (disc jockey) workshop for early school leavers (what Americans may call high school drop-outs, I think); a journalism workshop that publishes a clubhouse newsletter; and a Lego workshop that involves making robots with Lego parts I think and controlling their movements via computer.

Here's the history of the start-up and collaborating partners.

What the "The Liberties" is (an economically depressed area)

What Media Lab Europe is ( European research partner of MIT Media Lab


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