Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Dublin, Ireland - The Digital Hub

Dublin, Ireland is the site of another Intel Computer Clubhouse that I am studying. According to the city's website, Dublin is the capital of Ireland and has a population of over 1 million people (city and county). Languages are English and Irish. The predominant religion is Roman Catholicism.

The Liberties is the location of the Digital Hub, where multiple entities (government, private sector) have concentrated economic development efforts to create an technology and creative-talent infrastructure. One of its products is a storytelling website. As I mentioned in an earlier post, the Liberties has been designated as a site of economic development to address high unemployment, poor living conditions, and inadequate housing.

Lee Komito, Ph.D., of University College-Dublin discusses Ireland as a developing nation in his research paper, Politics and Clientelism in Urban Ireland: information, reputation, and brokerage. His section on Dublin emphasizes the divide between haves and have-nots throughout the city including the Liberties section.

Addendum: The Digital Hub describes the concept for economic development in this area of Dublin, that is it is a center or hub of activity for digital enterprises and programs. The Intel Computer Clubhouse is located here and has collaborative relationships with some of the business and organizational residents of the hub.


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